Squid Dissection
The purpose of this dissection was to show us the parts of the squid that you cannot show on a picture. the goal was to get us to understand the different parts and see how they look in real life rather then a diagram. the purpose was also to see how the phylum Mollusca members work and to be familiar with the internal and external anatomy.I learned that their sentential were very important because they help them catch their prey, they can fit through tight places because their body is collapsible and they are very smart. I had tons of fun dissecting the squid and i cant wait to see what we will dissect next ! :)
1) How many arms does your squid have ? how many tentacles ?
My squid had 2 arms and 8 tentacles
2)describe how their purpose differ. What do arms do and what do tentacles do?
the arm is better for grabbing prey and holding onto them as well as onto surfaces like cave walls and rocks. Tentacles are shorter and move faster which are good for locomotive.
3)What direction the water comes out of the funnel and what direction does the squid move ?
water comes out of the back of the funnel propelling the squid forward.
4) Name two adaptations for the squids predatory life.
The tentacles help the squid latch onto their prey with their powerful suction cups. Another important adaptation is their camouflage, it allows them to hide from predators and prey before their attack them.
5) Molluscs and squids share the same body cavity (colem) they both have bilaterally symmetrical.
Extra pictures:

This is a piece of the squid that supports it while it swims. without this the squid would just float and flop around like the jelly fish.
This is the ink sac, it emptys into the water jet. The purpose is to distract and escape from predictors it acts as a defence system.
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